We Got Real @ The Real Real HQ

We all love to shop for designers at a deal and consign things while making a steal…right? Judge the rhyme all you want, but it's totally true. And if that's the case, chances are that you already know about The Real Real. I mean…"Luxury Consignment Sales", what else could you ask for? Well, you could ask for a glimpse of where the magic happens or rather, a behind-the-scenes tour of HQ lead by none other than #GirlBoss and CEO, Julie Wainwright…but we already did that for you! So enjoy some our snaps below and we kid you not when we some up our night with the phrases "stacks on stacks" and "racks on racks". I mean...




          The Real Real CEO, Julie Wainwright showing us the "stacks on stacks" of Hermés boxes.



Enter said "racks on racks"...



Product Mannies



The Motherload...